Happy New Year to you all !!
It has been several months since my last blog post, and many interesting things have been happening behind the scenes.
Since I started the blog in the Summer of 2009 I have been contacted by numerous witnesses directly involved in the incidents. Some of these witnesses have come forward to speak for the first time.
As far as the reunion goes I'm still trying to arrange something for later this year. I'm still waiting on certain people to let me know if they would be willing to be involved.
I hope to be able to provide a definitive answer in March or April at the latest.
Last month I attended the Las Vegas UFO Conference which I felt went very well and will be attending the Eureka Springs Conference in April speaking with Linda Moulton-Howe
I hope to meet with British Police Officer Gary Heseltine www.prufospolicedatabase.co.uk at the Laughlin UFO Conference in Late February to try and work on some of the details having to do with a reunion this year. Gary is currently working with Col. Charles Halt in an effort to have the incidents made into a Hollywood motion picture.
If there is not a formal reunion in the UK I still hope to come back over to England this year. I would ideally like to come over in December on the 30th anniversary of the incidents but also try to come over earlier in the Summer time frame.
James Fox, the director and narrator of the documentary “I know what I Saw” shown in a edited form on the History Channel, has asked me to put a link to his trailer on his website
I know What I Saw. The movie contains many new statements for Rendlesham/Bentwater’s witnesses.

James would like to organize a private screening of the film in Washington DC sometime in March of this year. He plans to invite certain members of the House and Senate as well as key mainstream media for Q&A session after the screening.

I am hopeful that this will help trigger action by our government to assist in getting unambiguous answers on what happened to us over those three nights in December 1980. James Fox is especially looking for new witnesses to come forward with their story. You can contact us via the following email address
Several key people who have all ready been asked to attend this private screening and have shown high interest in this grass root effort are; General Gordon Williams, Colonel Charles Halt, TSgt Jim Penniston.
Again I would like to thank everybody for your supportive emails and comments and I again ask for anybody with any information about what happened to us in December 1980 to come forward. I also invite anyone who reads my blog to join the Rendlesham Forum at
www.rendlesham-incident.co.uk/forumBest Regards,
TSgt. John Burroughs